
Showing posts from April, 2012

"whatever the problems may come, it’s just one of those itches in life you have to scratch off" - what I said to myself 7 years ago, July 2005.

...dan jika Tuhan mengizinkan,

Menikmati lelah yang tenteram.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Warning Sign - Coldplay Live Sessions @ AOL

Laika Ayanna Rakhman

Morocco Trip - Day 1 "the 28 hours trip" JKT-HKG-PAR-RBT

Pabrik Tegel kunci & Ullen Sentalu. Dua itu dulu...

15 minutes a day.

Catur Wedha

Dont bother,

you then realize,

Signs of love - Tika & Dinka

I have a thing with Audio Visuals...

Adele - My Same; For Tania on your Birthday

Inilah jalan cerita yang Tuhan kasih.

Jollyroo 1st Anniversary & R.A Kartini's day

The joke was,

Alanis Morissette - Perfect

some of us..

I rest my case.

those 'kodak moments'

Biarkan satu mata selalu terbuka...

Just when i'm about to...



dan aku akan membentangkan kembali...aku akan.

kanvas baru,

Tongue-gasm at Cook's Affair.

Some said,

Don't Think Twice It's Alright - Bob Dylan

Collaboration with Pandjalu.

You are

Athaya Muhammad Zidan