15 minutes a day.

So i could say, I'm one of those morning person.
I got up from my alarm clock at 5am. And really don't have to bother to hit the snooze button for the second time.
The first ring would awake me in just seconds.
So usually, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I sit on the toilet for about 5 minutes, sometimes just to really get a hold of myself. And then taking a ritual ablution for Subuh.
After I've done my morning prayer, I let almost 15 minutes of my time to usually between staying on my praying mat, and let my head do the talking with God, or back to bed and stare at my husband and gazed through his closed eyes, what our life would be in the next years to come. Sometimes, I even throw my dreams up to my ceiling, and as if I'm watching a projector giving out motion picture above me, and I could see what I want in life, 
maybe see kids running around, a new house, a dream vacation, just a general dream you'd have as a family.

I see those 15 minutes became useful. I name it, the Power of doing Nothing. 
So you have those 15 minutes just imagining, talking to god, making plans in your head, and gazing to a white ceiling before Reality sinks in. 

Life can be overwhelming. You got caught up with routines, daily dilemmas, and people. 
Life gives you drama and in the same time gives you reality.
And then you forgot how to dream, so this is when nothingness became an action.

With those 15 minutes a day, your dreams eventually become a part of your goal in reality.
With 15 minutes you get to say to yourself, "This is what I want for me, my family, my friends, my work, my etc. My Life!"
And when reality of the day or even maybe throughout the night, gave you hard times, You get up the next day, and back to that 15 minutes to plan and see the dreams clearly, maybe you'll plan differently, maybe you'll plan bigger, or maybe you just need to calm yourself.

After those 15 minutes of your own time, there's nothing wrong to share it with people you see in your dreams. It could be your husband, your girl or boyfriend, your family, your best friends, you co-worker, anyone.
When they hear, sees, and feel the positive sense you're giving out, (hopefully) it become a strength and wonders for them too.
And "Happiness is real when shared" rite?

This 15 minutes can actually be done in whatever time suites you.
Just so happen, lately, I like it to do it in the morning. 
Before the sun rises, before the birds singing, before people in the house got up and start their life too.
Being in a quiet stage sometimes helps.

So when you're ready, let's have a try, 
why not dreaming with your eyes open...

"Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise" - Benjamin Franklin


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