more words to my boys

So been a while, eh?

Yes, I've been longing to babble for quite sometime now, but didn't have the urge to even start.
So here I am, in front of my computer, the kids asleep, the husband as well. And some random TV channel I leave it on just to give some background noise.
Well i must say I'm in a content phase. I have nothing complain, Thank God.
I do have some thoughts to express. So here I am back with my blog.

Being a parent for almost 5 years now. I have so many things i want to tell my kids in the future.
If there are categories on being a parent. I think i fall in the mellow one. But I guess, aren't we all. But my mellow level of sentimental is just beyond.
So every time i try to post something about my kids or even about my husband, or even about myself, I, somehow connect it about what I want my kids to know about that moment. It's like a love letter to my kids about the present, for them to read it in the future and how I expected them to be, to feel and to know about how much they meant the world to my husband and I.

So preparing two boys for the world... right?

Well boys here's another love letter for you guys.

By the time you can read my blog, i bet you already have the sense how the world works. How you meet the people who come and goes in your life. And I guess you already understood with the 'nobody's perfect' phrase and what it actually means. But when you read my love letter, you have to know the high expectation i have for you boys, doesn't mean i want you to be perfect. But for someone who have walk this life longer than you boys. I have certain values i want you to have as a man.

Well boys. Today, I'm 34 years old, and your father is 37. We both don't have much money in our savings, but we are proudly to say we don't have many credits laying out in Banks. well just some. hihi.  Our car is already paid. We have health and life insurance. We have savings for your school. And since we got married, we paid everything by ourselves. Never asked or borrowed a single penny from your grandparents. We are still renting a house for us to live. But it's a place for our little family to be a family. Sometimes your father wishes he bought a house early on, before he got married. But well, the past is gone. You could only learn from the past. So listen to your father if he suggested you to buy a house before getting married. For me, i had paid my travel from my hard work, and the lovely thing about your Father is, how he knows my passion on travelling and gave me allowance to spent on that Journey. Even though sometimes he would say, don't spent it all. Haha...
I only needed your grandparent's blessings through out my journey and not a penny more.

So yeah, please listen carefully if we constantly saying, get your own place after you got married. It could be a rent or buy a little space of your own.
Why? well. As much as we love you. But having a little family of your own later on. You need all the space you can get for adaptation. You've been living with your parents and you brother all your life, but it'll be different when you bring someone new (your spouse) to our house, or if you move in with your in-laws. Totally different.
Being a new couple needs adjustment, let alone adapting with a new family and specially living with them. So better use that time adjustment for you and your wife as a new couple.
Different situation if we are unable to take care of ourselves. So make sure you'll pay for a nanny or a retirement home for us. We don't want to end up alone and far from you guys, or from our future grand kids. But we also don't want to get in your way.

As I entered the world of parenting, even if it's just 5 years. But I slowly accepting the reality of preparing you boys to be an adult in the real life. We love nurturing you, but in the same time, this mellow mama, just can't help having the thoughts of letting you go in the wild life. Yes, Sad it is. But time is changing, the world is spinning, and we are racing to the future.

so i'll continue more with my so-called wisdom letter. Until then, love you and be good.


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