Ibu's Journal

Ibu's journal back in 1996 when she was doing her chemotherapy in Germany. 

Knowing back then there were no smartphones or gadgets like today, back then you cant print screen or bookmark informations you found. So She probably read something from a magazine and wrote it back at her journal. 

She wrote random stuff, i mean totally random, from her medical journey, quotes, tips on shopping, arranging flowers,quotes, prayers to silly jokes.

Seeing her writings gives me the shivers. And what moves me is that when you read her journal. You appreciate life more and more. And what she did for staying alive. I heart you mum. You were such a strong fighter.

As she wrote in the first page.
"As soon as awaken, think "thanks" for the extraordinary gift of life.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful plus states* and does good things for body & mind"


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