Sliding Doors

I thought i had this movie reviewed before, but turned out I haven't.
well, something had pulled up a 'ring-a-ding' from my box of memories. Something this movie had offered me long time ago. A message.

You know the famous saying, "everything happens for a reason" or the nature law in an Indonesian saying of "sebab-akibat". Well this movie brings up that pattern of story.

Since I was younger, my grandmother used to tell a lot of stories of how she grew up and how she managed to survive. She would tell nostalgic moments with of course at the end, kind good deeds of wisdom. I remember vividly, other than her saying, "Thou shall Never Complain", She also gave a thought on "in life, everything happens for a reason, it's God's plans".
I could be a grumbler-spoiled-jungky-brat if I always cursed the story that had happened through my adolesence years. But thankfully with Eyang's wisdoms. I didn't.

Anyway, what's the coloration with the movie? well, this movie is simple. It simply tells the story of what would've and would've not happen if one tiny bit of thing did or did not happen in your daily life. That tiny simple thing, can bring a huge difference of either you'll change or not as a person. And what ever happened, if it's in God's plan, in the end it's destined to be yours to happen.

I must say, ever since I watched this movie when I was in Highschool, it put an impact in how I see life.
And i'm saying, this movie is one of the most influential movie I ever watched.


  1. becky...this is also one of my fave movie!!! seneng nemu ada yg ngereview film jadul ini


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