dear becky, happy 29th birthday.

Dear Becky, 
It's me talking, the 'just-turned-29yo-becky'. Yes, if you're reading this in, oh I don't know, maybe in the next 10 years, first you might wonder how Multiply last that long, hihi...
anyway, but You had a blast this year...Even though it's the last year of your twenties era, but you're feeling content and grateful. You felt that you are not perfect, but life in general, you have nothing to complain. well, maybe one or two, but not a really big deal comparing to the love and care you received this year.

You did complain to Ivan for coming home late that day, but it was acceptable when he kissed you and be the first person who were there to give you love on your birthday. And how he knows you adore antiques, and you thanked him for the precious little remembrance.

You wake up in the morning, and receive endless wishes and prayers through out the day. In the morning, you got a package from Prita that was given through Bu Ris, and also how she remember you wanted dry lavenders for your baking experiment, how you fond of star wars, and how you never stop collecting PEZ. Thank you Prita. :)

Then you went to the office, hoping you would get a pass for getting the ritual pranks from your co-worker, but I guess not. No mercy what so ever.

But before all the transformation happened, you received a Martha Stewart cupcakes book from Yona & Yulia, which Yona have asked the day before which cupcakes book you wished to have. Good thing she did.hihi... so it would be more useful.

And so afterwards, all the craziness happened, and you can't get out from it.
Here are some pictures to recall the embarrassing moments you had. haha.

You then went home and had some rest for you were feeling a bit of nausea that day. But then Ivan texted and asked you out to go for a dinner and you were excited.
Because it was getting late and you felt you can't eat much, you both finally decided to have dinner at Tamani Bintaro.

It was a nice day and you really couldn't asked for more.
You felt you were on that stage where having other people saying wishes and good prayers for happiness and good health means so much more than you ever thought it would be.

The neat things was, you felt the birthday lasts longer than you thought. The next day, You received another gift of handmade red bag from Mba Iin at the office, and out of the blue, a free ticket from Nesya to watch Matah ati.

You thought it stopped there, on Saturday, Monik, Esti and little Naura gave you a surprise birthday Oreo Ice cream Cake for a quick chit-chat at Home. God knows how you missed them and after three months hadn't had the chance to meet baby Naura. So it was really nice.

And 5 days after, your other clan of best friends and you got together and had a wonderful treat of fine cuisine dinner at LIO's gallery Kemang. Good laughter and good appetite surely ended your night with more love. Not to forget Dinna gave you a bag and a note book from 'Tulisan', the Indonesian local brand you like but don't have the nerve to spend that much of money.hihi...Dinna had a hunch you might like the bag, since you love decorative patterns.

Less than three weeks after, just when you got home from the office. Sometime at 8pm, a man rang the bell on the door and delivered a package from Tasha. She sent two Body shop's body butter. Well, she did asked 5 things you wanted on your current list, but to save her the trouble with my wild ideas, the body butter was a post-poned shopping list. And due to a bit craving here and there, i was very in to fruits lately, I even want to smell the sweet scent of it almost time to time. So thank you Tasha, for your attention sayang :).

The Ultimate surprise was from Ivan. After he got home from his venture to mount Rinjani for 10 days, just the next day, he surprised you with a second birthday gift from him. You both had a talk that morning about ukulele, and you didn't have the slightest clue that he would pull off a surprise like he did. He came home saying he had something for you, and you didn't expected a baby-blue-ukulele will be handed to you. You were very much in joy and speechless. The sound coming from the ukulele was different from the one you both had (the 'pengamen' version) hihi... thank you dear Ivan, heart you.

And after the euphoria of turning a year old slowly ended, almost a month after, Bu Ris took me to Pondok Indah Mall to get me a present. She said, it's been quite sometime she wanted to bought a dress for my birthday, but she was afraid it wouldn't fit me well. So she waited to bring me along to the store. And luckily, when we got there, "(x) s m l" was having a 50% sale off, so I got to bring 2 pieces of stuff that (hopefully) will be useful for my upcoming body enlargement. hihih... love u Bu Ris!

So dear becky, as you have said early that year, where "you'd see great things ahead", that sweet and nice days you had, were actually are one of those great things you're lucky to have. And I'm sure, you will have more good days to come.

cheers to us!

Becky, 29 yo


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