an hour a day, keeps the dream awake...

On my past posting blog, I have stamped my wish board into the world...or so, the technology world of Internet... 
I put our for everyone to see my Wish board which was inspired by the Secret.
a few has been achieved and surprisingly most of them was the ultimate wish. I never thought i could fulfilled it just within a year...
If you see the date (top right corner), you'll see i posted on January 18th, 2008.
within less than a month, I met my number one Idol, Bjork (see my experience)
for that I'm totally speechless.

so now it's been almost 1.5 year...and i can say that I'm not wasting any second of my daily life.
there are things that I still need to pursue from the wish board, and God knows I need to expand more.

it's important to still keep on dreaming...i still have a long way to go...
and everyday, i try to give time for gazing on my wish board, and just give me sparks of inspiration among my reality awareness..
In the office, at home, or anywhere...

an hour a day, keeps the dream awake.

{my wish board at the office}


  1. btw, dulu tasha kena kan nih sindrom the secret, kita sampe beli wish board segala, terus beli majalah hahaha.. terus akhirnya bosen setelah 3 minggu... wish boardnya sekarang dirumah gue :P

    btw, keep the dream alive beck!!! ciayo!

  2. Widih... Bisa ya yg beginian jadi kenyataan. Tulisan lo powerfull bgt beck. Inspiratip. Mau coba ah...

  3. ayo, terusin dong...
    pajang terus wish board-nya...punya kamu di post juga dong...
    aku sayang sama majalahnya, jadi ambil2 dari internet...hihi

  4. ayo mr. lukman...
    looking forward to see your dreams...saya tunggu ya wish board-nya...

  5. i have to compare my dream with reality....
    i never dream on my sleep....


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