What Dreams May Come

my wish board inspired by ‘the secret’
This will magnetized the universe to help me pursue what I want in life…
(in random orders)
to paint more | to love n be loved | to learn new things with batik |to be a proud indonesian | to write my own songs and play more with my guitar | to reconnect with my long lost friends | to build a new relationship with new friends | to watch my idols live | to get a higher education | to have my own exhibition | to travel and see the world | to get material things (that matters to my opinion)| to exercise more and get in shape | to eat right and drink more water to stay healthy | to be more passionate with work and pursuing high achievement with my carrier | to know what I want in life | to have a goal and live happily ever after….


  1. jieehh.. kyknya nonton ur idol bakal kesampean niyy.. ihiiyy!

  2. gak ada 'tampil di oprah show' ??

  3. thank's dit...mudah2an ajha..ada yang tercapai...hehehe

  4. jadi pengen bikin kaya kamu, tp mung g akan skreatif kamu :p

  5. itu impian tinggi saya...tapi itu bisa jadi sebab akibat dari visi saya untuk "to be a proud indonesian"....hehehe...
    Masuk oprah karena memperkenalkan kebudayaan Indonesia...hihi

  6. ayo mari berprakarya...'the secret' tells it all... :P


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