Thank God it's there, bjork's gigOgraphy
setelah beberapa tahun terakhir ini mengamati website ini, akhirnya ada juga tulisan,

Indonesia, Jakarta, Tennis Indoor Senayan @ Jakarta Praise Community Church

sampai terdengar gosip beliau mau datang, sampai ada di website penyelenggara, sampai aku beli tiketnya...rasanya masih gundah, kalau belum masuk website ini...

sampai akhirnya masuk juga...aku melihat tulisan itu...

" The Gigography is a complete tour database, listing worldwide gigs through-out Björk's solo career from 1993 to present date and near future. We want to make it as complete as possible, so please send in setlists, pictures and reviews from each gig. Note that sometimes you might hear about a gig that is not listed here - sometimes information leaks out before contracts are finalized. The ones you will find here have been officially approved for publication. Observe that there usually is a NO camera policy and NO recording policy at concerts. However, as we have no way of checking the individual policy of each venue, and most places allow photography for press, you can find pictures from most gigs posted here. Be aware that cameras and mobile phones can be disturbing to both the musicians and your fellow concertgoers, with screens lighting up and arms blocking views, so please be respectful and try to just enjoy the moment with the people on stage and around you rather than preoccupying yourselves with various forms of documentation."


  1. *terharu juga..

    terpikir juga ternyata dia dengan negara kita.. hiks.. :')

  2. aargh masih bimbang. nonton atau tidak. lebih berat ke Incubus sih tapi pengenn... :(

  3. nonton lah...harus...a must...a music genius is coming to town, kapan lagi...kapan lagi...hehehe

  4. ampe dibikin dvd concertnya ya, trus ada bajakannya wakakka

  5. ya biasalah pasti setiap concert, ndak boleh bawa kamera...curi2 pandang lah...
    nanti ivan ajha yang curi2 gambar, aku menikmati...all the way through...

  6. bayaaaariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn!!!

  7. ivan official photographer? ikut susupi kamera dong... kmrn concert muse kok bs pada bawa kamera ya bek? apa trgantung promotor?

  8. ngga, dia bukan official photographer...(i wish!)
    kayanya bawa kamera tuh standard promoter concert, tapi ngga bisa ngecek2 satu-satu kali ya...oh well...

  9. oya? abis...? wow....pasti masih ada lah ya..aquarius??

  10. aku menunggu aja dio indosiar atau stasiun tipi yang lain... moga2 aja nongol di tipi...

  11. aku menunggu aja di indosiar atau stasiun tipi yang lain... moga2 aja nongol di tipi...

  12. please tell ivan to sip my lomo-on

    i need bjork in cross processing....

    hiks..mana sore ini ujan gede lg...

  13. beckyyyy, aku jadi nontonnnn !!

    fino memberi hadiah ultah untukku hr ini hehehe :D :D :D

    so, cu there sayang..


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