If there's such a word like an expression i always use...'a wower'...now i'm trying to find a word to describe my high-appreciation towards this movie..........
this movie is a wow-er...!!
Pixar has done it again...a touching animated story that moves the audience heart even to tears...
It's about a man who's trying to find a new adventure in his 'not so young' age...a man who's trying to fulfill his wife's dream...awwww...

Having UP as pixar's first to be presented in Digital 3-D, it's bringing more of the animation world to a new level...not just that, the detail is getting crazier... the material, the lighting, the movement... excellent...

With the beautiful music to enhance the story-telling, i could easily go boo-hooing and gazing just like i watch a real romantic drama movie...like wall-e, i was really intense with the first 20 minutes of the movie when only just movement of emotions and music to tells it all...again, i was surprisingly swayed by the simple and smooth tune from this movie...

I highly recommend for anyone to watch it in the theatre... specially the 3d Version...and please not from the dvd piracy, downloading or from the computer...must watch it properly!


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